Frequently Asked Questions
Can i eligible to get Electropathy Medical Registration from our college after BEMS Medical course completion in Annai Nivetha Electropathy Medical College?
Yes, you are Eligible to get the registration from electropathy Medical Board NEHM OF INDIA-New Delhi through our college to eligible electropathy Doctors.
Is NEHM of INDIA the authority to electropathy Registration?
Yes . NEHM OF INDIA (Central Board) Authorized by Ministry of Health & Family welfare Government of india for Imparting Electropathy Medical Education,Promotion Practice and Research.
Can i put Dr after completion of electropathy 4 years and 6 months rotatory medical internship ?
Yes ! You are Studying electropathy medical course and you are achieve the registration in electropathy after completion of your Medical internship prigramme through our college for electropathy system of medicine practice in india.
Electropathy system have injections?
Can i get the details about elctropathy injections?
Injections available in 1ml,2ml,5ml and 10ml
Injection No:1
Indication : Skin disease,leprosy,secondary syphilis.
Injection No:2
Indication : Primary and tertiary syphilis,syphilitic glandular degeneration,tuberculosis,syphilitic cochexia.
Injection No:3
Indication : It acts on skin,bladder and urethra.
Injection No:4
Indication : Hereditary diseases such as asthma,anemia,liver and lung disease,nervous disorders.It purifies blood and lymph.
Injection No:5
Indication : Lymph and blood disorders.
Injection No:6
Indication : Cough,cold,bronchial and pulmonary catarrh with feverishness,nausea,vomiting of mucous,pneumonia and periodical complaints.
Injection No:7
Indication : Cancer of lungs,hepatic fever,bloodish sputum.
Injection No:8
Indication : Hereditary TB,pulmonary TB,cancer of lungs.
Injection No:9
Indication : Gout,rheumatism,indurations,swellings,eczema,boils and wounds.
Injection No:10
Indication : Ulcer and cancer of stomach,other stomach disorders,metabolic disorder,dyscrasia of blood.
Injection No:11
Indication : Varicose vein,haemorrhoid,chronic passive congestion of blood,induration and wounds.
Injection No:12
Indication : Piles,varicose vein,hemorrhage,palpitation,rheumatic heart trouble active congestion.
Injection No:13
Indication : All tumor,cancers,gangrene,fistula,wounds with pus.
Injection No:14
Indication : Heart failure,sinking pulse,colic,poisoning fainting fits.
Injection No:15
Indication : Acute and chronic gonorrhea and syphilis.
Injection No:16
Indication : Malaria,worms,hysteria.
Injection No:17
Indication : For worms,germicidal diseases.
Injection No:18
Indication : Gout,rheumatism,impotency.
Injection No:19
Indication : Pneumonia,tuberculosis of lung and pulmonary infections.
Injection No:20
Indication : Chronic complaints of throat,diphtheria,,cancer or abscess of throat and intestinal disorders.
Injection No:21
Indication : Disease of bones,teeth,nails,cartilage,fistula caries,necrosis,pyorrhea.
Injection No:22
Indication : Paralysis,spinal affection,glandular disease of the skin,intestine and liver.
Injection No:23
Indication : Malaria,constipation.
Injection No:24
Indication : Cholera,indigestion,diarrhoea,nausea and vomiting.
Injection No:25
Indication : Sciatica,paralysis.
Injection No:26
Indication : Madness,delirium,irritation of nerves,convulsions,epilepsy,catalepsy.
Injection No:27
Indication : Hemorrhage,faulty secretion of blood,palpitation.
Injection No:28
Indication : It contain the properties of green electricity.It stop all kind of purulent discharge.
Injection No:29
Indication : It promotes has cooling and soothing effect of the brain,anemia,neuralgia pain,inflammation.
Injection No:30
Indication : Nervous and sensitive patients.Insomnia,insanity,excitement of the nervous system,madness.It is antidote injection no :14
Injection No:31
Indication : It subside skin eruptions and itching.
Injection No:32
Indication : It is used for sensitive patients,nervous disorder,epilepsy.It is antidote for injection no:24
Injection No:33
Indication : High fever,hepatic fever,chronic neuralgia./li>
Injection No:34
Indication : Chronic pulmonary tuberculosis.It is antidote to injection no:19.
Injection No:35
Indication : For sciatica this injection is used alternatively with injection no:32.
Injection No:36
Indication : soft tumor and cancer.
Electropathy is governed by the Ministry of Health and Family welfare Goverment of india as per policy matter of Central Government.
Electropathy is Legally permited.
Recognised by Supreme Court Date 10, May 2006
Recognised by Central Government of India Dated 25th November 2003
Recognised by Karnatak, Ministry of Health, Date 25, December 2003
Recognised by Government of Chattisgadh Date 11, July 2006
Approved by Director of Health Department, Delhi.
Electropathy qualified Doctors are eligible to practice medicine any part of india.