Menstrual cycle is a sin or not?
Menstrual cycle is a sin or not?
Menstrual cycle is not a SIN to female.that is the gift of almighty to girls!
Modern stem cell therapy revolutionary collect the stem cells from women's periods.As per modern research report says menstrual blood is rich source of stem cells that can be treated in many aliments in further health system. Nowadays stem cells collecting from period is grow as a health industry like a cord blood collective industry.
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem cell therapy means basic cell therapy ,This is best treatment methodology for all kind of challenged diseases like diabetes even it is the best way to treat the brin damage and stroke or per scientific research most of 70% serious illness may controlled and cures by stem cell therapy.
May you know the truth?
This stem cells are know as Master cells it can replace and repair the aged,damaged or lost cell and tissues.
Now the power is with in you.So secure a healthy cells by preserving your menstrual blood stem cell.Kindly give the power to the future treat aliments. TELL welcome to period !!!!!!! say no to postponed!!!!!!!!!!
Oh dear females you all are lucky! Almighty is little more care you, Am i correct or not?